GRAVENHURST — In case you missed it, Muskoka tides are rising.
And town officials here are touting the scouting motto — “Be prepared.”

They remind residents that Environment Canada has issued a Special Weather Statement for the Muskoka watershed, forecasting an additional 30- 45 mm of rain through the end of the week, compounding existing conditions.
Levels in local waterways are already elevated, they say, and the ground is saturated with little ability to absorb any additional water.
“If we receive what has been forecasted, we may see further impacts to the current flooding situation,” they warn in a release Wednesday.
Andrew Stacey, the town’s director of infrastructure services advises: “We urge residents that may be affected by water to be prepared and not wait. They should collect sand bags and position around buildings on their properties that may be impacted.”
Further to this, the town has dedicated 15 seasonal staff members who created a majority of filled sand bags to assist the community.
Gravenhurst residents in need of sand bags are advised to pick up filled bags at the two staging areas located at the end of Sunshine Court and Muskoka Bay Park at the ball diamonds.
They also remind residents that ‘fill your own’ sand and sand bags are available at the following locations:
- Cowbell Lane (at the end of lane);
- Severn River Road East (at cul-de-sac at Hwy 11) ;
- Graham Road (at end of road);
- Sunshine Court (at end of court);
- Muskoka Bay Park – Ball Diamonds;
- Municipal Public Works Yard located at 1054 Crawford Road.
As well, this time federal Transportation Minister Marc Garneau has issued an order to prohibit non-emergency vessel movement on Lake Muskoka.
This order allows emergency vessels and first responders to do their jobs in flooding conditions as well as limit boat wake.
Outside of the above waterway, boating is not advised at this time as floating debris may not be visible under the surface of the water.
While town crews will be engaged on regular road patrols and will be watching conditions closely, residents should be on the look-out for changing conditions, particularly in low-lying areas and those that are prone to flooding and are reminded to take the following preparatory actions:
They urge everyone near water to relocate items of value above flood levels as high as possible.
This includes items inside boathouses, basements, garages, sheds, yards, or other structures.
Keep pets and children away from shorelines. Embankments are soft and may give way.
Pre-arrange emergency accommodations and prepare items in a “go bag” in case of evacuation. Items such as medications, documentation, personal items and allowances for pets should be considered.
Turn off electrical equipment in buildings if they are at risk of flooding. If necessary contact your local utility Elexicon Energy (formerly Veridian) at 1-866-579-6819; or Hydro One at 1-800-434-1235.
Do not consume any food or drink that have been in contact with flood water