MUSKOKA – The call of the loon. If you can hear it you can count it.
So, if you can count sheep in your sleep, how about counting loons.
Those soft, gentle calls that epitomize a summer’s night or misty morning in Muskoka and that lull you to sleep.
You can help loons while enjoying our lakes this summer.
Volunteers are needed to participate in a simple citizen science project while enjoying Canadian lakes this summer, says Ruth Friendship-Keller, communications
director of Bird Studies Canada
“More volunteers are needed to survey the Common Loon at lakes across Canada.
These data will be vital to determine if loons are in decline, holding steady or making gains,” says Kathy Jones, Canadian Lakes Loon Survey volunteer coordinator, Bird Studies Canada.

No experience is needed to observe and report on the loon chicks at your local lake as a citizen scientist. The information collected will become part of the upcoming 40-year Loon Survey Report and is needed to give a true picture of the status of the common loon and the health of Canada’s lakes.
The Canadian Lakes Loon Survey has been undertaken annually by volunteers coordinated by Bird Studies Canada since 1981. Monitoring this iconic bird provides important information regarding the species as well as our environment.
If you will be at a lake in Canada at least one day in each of June, July and August please sign up for the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey.
Bird Studies Canada will provide you with a kit and will help you get started. To learn more visit or contact: Jones at [email protected]
1-888-448-2473 ext. 124
For additional information on Canada’s common loons please visit:
About Bird Studies Canada
Bird Studies Canada is Canada’s leading national charitable organization dedicated to bird science and conservation. We offer many volunteer opportunities for both experienced birders and those who are interested in connecting with nature, birds and want to learn more. For information and to join Bird Studies Canada visit