Photos © by Mark Clairmont |

MUSKOKA — There was a lot of talk Tuesday about receding water levels.

But the damage has been done.

Here’s another look at some of the flooding so far, in around Bracebridge — just one of the communities hit hard.

And which is getting a lot attention, thanks to the town’s pro-active PR talking points around it.

Behind all the devastation for victims are the hundreds of people who have come to their aide, including workers like trucker Scott Mahn who was rebuilding the Ravenscliffe Road.
Fowler heavy equipment operator Austin Gohm helped get the Ravenscliffe Road open west of Huntsville after a 20-foot sink hole opened up.


Taking a short cut up the back road to the hospital wasn’t possible with the road closed on the weekend.
Looking south toward the falls along the river road in Bracebridge Saturday.
Just above the falls RONA had to move its lumber back from the brink last week.
Homes along the river in Bracebridge have braced for more flooding.
Bracebridge resident Rick Lamouriex takes a break from the back-breaking job of filling bags.
Fowler traffic cop Matt Belfe totals up number of sand bags, which could reach well over 50,000.
Front-end loaders have been busy replenishing mounds of sand to fill bags at Fowler’s.
Georgian Bay Search and Rescue volunteers were among the hundreds of volunteers bagging sand in Bracebridge.
Orillia firefighters John Barks and Shane Lanchbury bag sand Saturday, which fellow firefighter delivered around Bracebridge.
Cory Bonneville of Midland answered the call for volunteers.
Filling bags and bags and bags … of sand seemed a never-ending – but necessary job.
A forklift takes away a pallet of sand bags ready for pickup and distribution across the community.