Mark Clairmont |

GRAVENHURST — There’s no flood emergency in Gravenhurst says Todd Clapp, the town’s Community Emergency Management Coordinator.

But don’t tell that to Jane and Doug Bowman, whose West Gravenhurst home has been an island for days.

Twice they put in emergency calls to the town with the help of 211.

Once Saturday, when they called and someone at the town “named Todd” told them there was “not enough” of a flood problem to declare an emergency and there wasn’t much the town could do to help them.

Or to bring them help.

“That’s not good enough,” said Jane Bowman. “People need help.”

So, on Monday morning Jane Bowman left a “rather heated” message at Town Hall, said her husband.

“If we lived in Bracebridge, it wouldn’t be like this,” she told just hours later on Monday morning.

“We’re disgusted,” she said.

Doug Bowman was thigh-high in water on Monday at his Lake Muskoka home after days of flooding, before the mayor and Coun. John Gordon responded in the afternoon with sandbags in response to emergency calls from Bowman and his wife for help from the town.

“Bracebridge is doing a wonderful job. Gravenhurst is providing no guidance,” adding that on Saturday they were told they could go to one of the town’s sand stations to pick up bags or bag their own.

“And we’re extremely tired” of baling out with no help from the town and only the assistance of a few friends and family.

“People need to hear the bad news, as well as the good news.

“This is not a vacation home. We don’t have a big boat house. We’re not worried about that. It will be what it will be.”

So, what to they want from the town?

“All we want is help,” Doug Bowman said in interview later in the afternoon at their home surrounded by Lake Muskoka, as he waded through knee-deep water.

And first they got some from friends, who they said brought them sand bags from Bracebridge.

Since last week the Bowmans — who have lived there for 11 years and have never seen water levels this high, even in 2013 — have seen water levels rise around their lakefront home on 6,000 Road, off Shady Lane.

They’ve had to use a canoe to move more than 300 sandbags into position around their home as the water.

It’s the same with neighbours, they say, including their next-door-neighbour who they say has three feet of water in the basement.

No one was home in a visit to that home Monday afternoon to see.

Doug Bowman said their boat, which is up on blocks in the boathouse, is full of water, even after he removed a plug to let the water drain.

“Who knows how much that is going to cost” to repair he said.

Around noon Mayor Paul Kelly did call the Bowmans and said he would look into it.

Just before 2 p.m. saw a town fire emergency vehicle drive by the home, but it did not stop in, said Doug Bowman.

Around 5 p.m. the mayor and Coun. John Gordon arrived with a truckload of sand from Rick Construction.

Jane Bowman said at 5:30 p.m. that the mayor said he spoke to Bracebridge and that there had been a communication problem on Gravenhurst’s side.

In a release mid-Monday afternoon, Clapton is quoted as saying: “While we have not seen the extreme water flows that have warranted emergency declarations in municipalities near us, residents still need to be vigilant in the areas that are prone to high water levels especially in low-lying areas and around waterways.”

The release said: “While at this time water levels within the Black River, Kahshe Lake and Severn River watersheds appear to be stabilizing, notable fluctuations with the water levels of Lake Muskoka continue. Current weather reports indicate further precipitation will arrive in the area on Wednesday and extend into Thursday.

“The Town of Gravenhurst Emergency Control Group will continue to monitor watershed conditions throughout the freshet period and in light of observed water levels in Lake Muskoka.”

As a result, they have decided to close the following areas adjacent to the Lake Muskoka:

The closed areas are:

  • Muskoka Bay Park – 700 Muskoka Road 169
  • Muskoka Beach Park – 1141 Muskoka Beach Road
  • Lorne Street Beach – 615 Lorne Street
  • Portions of the Muskoka Wharf Parking Lot – 830 Bay Street

“At this time we remind all residents and visitors to stay away from these and all affected areas in the Municipality as public safety is of utmost importance to us,” said Andrew Stacey, director of infrastructure services.”

He said: “We would also remind residents that ‘fill your own’ sand and sand bags are available at the following locations:

  • Cowbell Lane (at the end of lane);
  • Severn River Road East (at cul-de-sac at Hwy 11);
  • Graham Road (at end of road);
  • Sunshine Court (at end of court);
  • Municipal Public Works Yard located at 1054 Crawford Road.

Clapp advises that “while we have not seen the extreme water flows that have warranted emergency declarations in municipalities near us, residents still need to be vigilant in the areas that are prone to high water levels especially in low-lying areas and around waterways.

“With Emergency Preparedness Week only a few days away in early May, we are

once again reminded of the importance of being ready to react to an emergency situation by preparing well before these situations occur.”

Residents are reminded to take the following preparatory actions if they are in flood prone areas:

  • Relocate items of value above flood levels. This includes boathouses, basements, garages, sheds, yards, or

other structures.

  • Familiarize your family with the locations of sand stockpiles/sand bags nearest your home.
  • Pre-arrange emergency accommodations and prepare items in a “go bag” in case of evacuation. Items such as

medications, documentation, personal items and allowances for pets should be considered.

  • Turn off electrical equipment in buildings if they are at risk of flooding.
  • Do not eat or drink any items that have been in contact with flood waters.
  • Listen to radio and subscribe to media alerts regarding weather and preparedness. Stay informed.