GRAVENHURST  — Tourette’s supporters want you to put your money where their mouth is.

Last year about 50 ‘Trekkers’ raised about $3,000; this year they want to add more walkers and money.

On Sunday March 24, the 11th annual Trek for Tourette will see Muskoka residents putting their feet to the pathways for a 5 km charity fun walk in Gravenhurst, to support Tourette Canada in its annual fundraising drive.

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a poorly understood neurodevelopmental disorder that affects as many as one in 100 Canadian children and adults. It currently has no cure.

“Last year we had 50 ‘trekkers’ and we raised $3000,” says event organizer Shawn Forth, Muskoka TS resource unit leader.

This year he’s again hoping for 50 – 60 trekkers, and to match or better last year’s funds to about $5,000.

The Trek will be going ahead rain or shine.

What: The Muskoka Tourette Syndrome Support Group (affiliated with Tourette Canada) is hosting the 11th annual Trek for Tourette walkathon.

When: Sunday, March 24th 2019. Registration begins at 12:00pm, Walk commences at 1:00pm

Where: Terry Fox Room, Centennial Centre, Gravenhurst.

“The month of March was chosen for the Trek because the weather’s unpredictable just like Tourette,” says Forth.

“The green rain boot in the Trek’s logo reflect the unpredictability of the weather that Trekkers could be walking in.”

“With more than one in 50 kids being diagnosed with TS and/or one of its associated disorders like OCD and ADHD — not to mention other conditions like anxiety and rage disorders, it’s time we as a nation to recognize that neurodevelopmental disorders are mainstream and growing rapidly in the frequency of their diagnosis,” adds Janet Rumsey, the Tourette Canada’s National President, and a mother of four boys with TS.

“We’ve always prided ourselves on the grassroots nature of our organization, but the needs of our stakeholders are outgrowing our ability to service them,” she said.

The Muskoka Trek for Tourette will be taking place at the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre, starting in the Terry Fox Room at noon. It begins at  1 p.m. and goes through downtown Gravenhurst over a 5km route.

Any community members interested in trekking are asked to register online at

Pledges can also be made online, and a manual pledge form can also be downloaded from the site.

Further information about the Muskoka Trek for Tourette can be found on Facebook and Twitter @TouretteMuskoka

For more information, contact Shawn Forth, Muskoka TS resource unit, Tourette [email protected] | 705-706-2500 | |

Background About Tourette Canada:

Established in 1976, Tourette Canada is the only federally registered, charitable organization of volunteers assisting individuals affected by TS and its associated disorders.

Through a national network of committed affiliates, Tourette Canada provides a range of services to those living with Tourette Syndrome and their families.

Their main goal is to creating awareness and understanding of Tourette Syndrome through education, advocacy, support and the promotion of research.

Tourette Canada’s logo, a soaring kite, is a symbol of struggle and success. Each kite’s journey is unique, individual and apparently random, much like those who live with TS. Buffeted by the wind, it can sometimes be a challenge to defy gravity and stay aloft. With the help of its string the kite can be guided and encouraged; its path can be smoothed and it can fly higher, further, stronger and longer.

With appropriate support the kite’s flight is balanced, fulfilling and beautiful – just as we wish every person’s life to be.