Clement braves cold and more at Women’s Muskoka March
HUNTSVILLE — Is Tony Clement making a comeback?
With Groundhog Day a week this Saturday (Feb. 2) MP Tony Clement is slowly coming out of his own forced hibernation.
After his self-inclicted fall downfall, he hunkered down over the holidays and it seemed around Christmas he was afraid of his own shadow.
Not now.

And it may not be because of new charges of extortion against two Ivory Coast men in his case.
Inconspicuous though conspicuous, he has been seen out in public of late foraging for scraps of political and otherwise personal support.
He made a brief appearance at Bracebridge Mayor Graydon Smith’s New Year’s Levee recently, among a generally friendly crowd in the Conservative town.
This past Saturday he bravely ventured further — actually showing up at the Women’s March Muskoka in Huntsville.
And while he didn’t receive a warm welcome, neither was he given a cold shoulder.
He even stood — silently — for a photo-op behind organizer Michelle Emson and alongside many of the 125 women and men, boys and girls who paraded downtown.
It had to have been a bit awkward, as it was Emson who, back in November, called for Clement to step down as MP for over his alleged scandalous behaviour.

Marcher and protester Peggy Peterson was even seen carrying a sign still urging him to resign.
See related story on about extortion charges against two Ivory Coast men in the Clement case.