Horticultural society seeks board members
GRAVENHURST — The Gravenhurst Horticultural Society is holding its annual general meeting (AGM) on Tuesday September 18, 2018 at7 p.m. at the Gravenhurst Seniors Centre.

A new executive and board will be inducted.
Are you interested in helping to guide the society into the future?
Volunteer to sit on the board for 2018-2019.
The board meets the first Monday of the month at the Seniors Centre January to June, then September to November.
Are you interested in operating the green house, planning the spring plant sale, setting up for general meetings, door greeter, advertising meetings and events among other things?
If you could take on one of these duities please contact president Pat Wright at 705-689-1263 or [email protected].
Come on out and take part in your society and celebrate a successful year as well as the presentation of awards from the Flower & Vegetable Show.
Enjoy garden fellowship along with refreshments and door prizes.
See you at the Seniors Centre, Gravenhurst at7 p.m. on Sept. 18.
Members: $2; guests: $5.