Rainbow stretches across Muskoka – east to west
MUSKOKA — Muskoka has PRIDE.
Gravenhurst …, Bracebridge …, Huntsville …., Georgian Bay …, Lake of Bays …, Muskoka Lakes …, and Wahta ….
They all have pride in their LBGTQ+ communities.
From the Muskoka Tourism centre south of Gravenhurst, and north, east and west at seven town halls across the district (except at the District of Muskoka, which does not do flags, Muskoka Pride spokesperson Shawn Forth) rainbows stretch across Muskoka’s skyy from Georgian Bay to Haliburton.
With this being PRIDE week in Muskoka, they’re all flying the rainbow flag.
Events happen every day this week, with the big parade and picnic Sunday in downtown Bracebridge, leading to the bandshell at Memorial Park.
See their Facebook page for full details of events and what’s already transpired https://www.facebook.com/MuskokaPride/