Muskoka Pride Week includes parade, drag show July 20-29
MUSKOKA — Muskoka Pride week this year will celebrate not only LGBTQ+, but locally they and their friends and families will be marking a decade as a group in Muskoka.

Muskoka Pride has announced the week of July 20-29 as the Muskoka Pride Festival.
They plan a week of activities to celebrate the Muskoka lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community.
This year’s celebration is special, Muskoka Pride board member Shawn Forth says in a release this week, because it celebrates 10 years of LGBTQ visibility in Muskoka.
“The first Picnic was held 10 years ago with only 26 attendees and a lot of uncertainty of how the public would react.
“Fast forward 10 years and we’re expecting hundreds of people to attend the Picnic and Muskoka’s first-ever Pride Parade, plus many events across Muskoka.”
This year’s Festival theme is “Bringing Pride To You,” which represents an acknowledgement of Muskoka’s huge geography and Muskoka Pride’s commitment to holding events in all municipalities.
“Distance and transportation is an issue for many people in Muskoka,” says Forth, “so this year we’re doing our best to bring Pride celebrations to the different communities.”
All municipalities in Muskoka will be raising the Rainbow Pride flag, but it is happening differently this year. Instead of them all being raised simultaneously, each community will have it’s flag-raising individually, followed by a community BBQ to allow residents to participate in the Pride celebrations locally.
Flag Raising schedule:
Friday July 20 –Dwight @ 10 a.m. and Huntsville @ 1 p.m.
Monday July 23 –Bracebridge @ 11 a.m. and Gravenhurst @ 2 p.m.
Tuesday July 24 –Port Severn @ 10 a.m., Wahta First Nation @ 1 p.m., and Port Carling @ 3 p.m
The Pride Festival week begins on Friday July 20 with the annual Pride Kickoff BBQ in Huntsville at River Mill Park. More than 200 people are expected to attend. There will be free hot dogs and drinks, over 15 vendors and community booths, a music DJ, and events for the whole family. Volunteers from the Huntsville Fire Department will once again be cooking food at the BBQ.
The week will play host to several events. A Pride Church service will be held at Port Carling United Church on July 22.
The Gravenhurst Opera House is holding a Pride night on Wednesday July 25.
The annual mini-golf tournament in Bracebridge on Thursday July 26.
A film screening of “Love, Simon” and a speaker series starting at 6 p.m., in Bracebridge on Friday July 27.
On Saturday July 28 there will be a Drag Show at Sawdust City Brewery, which organizers expect to be at full capacity.
A full listing of events can be found at www.muskokapride.comor on Muskoka Pride’s Facebook page.
The Muskoka Pride Festival will come to a close on Sunday, July 29 with the 10th annual Muskoka Pride Picnicand Muskoka’s first-ever Pride Parade.
The Parade will start at 11:30 a.m. along Manitoba Street, finishing at Memorial Park. Many groups have already signed up, but there is still time for additional groups to register online at
The 10th annual Picnic takes place this year at Memorial Park in downtown Bracebridge from noon to 4 p.m.
This year’s Picnic will feature live music by local band, “The Dirty Little Swing Thing.”
There will be more than 35 vendors planned and community booths.
The public is invited to bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket as they enjoy this relaxed afternoon event.
Food and beverages will be provided at this free family event.
The Bracebridge Fire Department will be cooking at the BBQ again this year.
Everyone, no matter how you identify, is welcome to attend all Muskoka Pride events.
The Muskoka Pride would like to thank its numerous sponsors, including Signature Sponsors: The Town of Bracebridge, Bala Cranberry Festival, TD Bank, and Walmart Canada.
To see a full schedule of events go towww.muskokapride.comor click “Events” on the Muskoka Pride Facebook Page.
For more information, contact Shawn Forth, secretary/promotions at 705-706-2500 (cell), or email him at [email protected]
About LGBT Pride Events–Pride events celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) culture. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall Riots in New York City on June 28, 1969. The first Pride march happened in 1970. Today Pride events are held in cities and towns all over the world.
About Muskoka Pride:
Muskoka Pride is a volunteer group that formed in 2009, whose purpose is to increase awareness of the LGBTQcommunity of Muskoka and to create opportunities for inclusivity withinMuskoka that overcome heterosexism and homo/bi/trans-phobia, providing a safe community for LGBT people. Muskoka Pride hosts the annual Muskoka Pride Picnic on the Sunday before the Civic Holiday weekend and Pride Week activities throughout Muskoka. A conference is held each fall, and regular social events happen throughout the year.