Bracebridge/Port Sydney/Utterson chamber network breakfast July 31

Business networking at Fowler Construction July 31. Guess weight of rock and win $500  sponsored product prize.

BRACEBRIDGE – As part of its new strategic vision to enhance its member experience, the Bracebridge and Port Sydney/Utterson & Area Chamber of Commerce is re-launching its business networking events and Fowler Construction will host the first on Tuesday, July 31 from 7:30-9:30 a.m.

New chamber networking event July 31.

“We’ve been listening and gathering feedback from the business community to ensure the chamber is offering services they need to thrive,” said Brenda Rhodes, the chamber’s executive director.

“As a result, we are rolling out a number of new offerings over the coming year.

“The first is a better variety of networking events, which will be held at various times of day and offer new elements to elevate our members’ business networking opportunities.” The July 31 event at Fowler Construction is open to Chamber members and non-members who would like to learn more about the chamber across the region.

A bacon-on-a-bun breakfast will be provided along with guided tours of Fowler’s Rosewarne Quarry and a chance to guess the weight of the rock to win a $500 gift certificate for Fowler materials and services.

Fowler president Moreen Miller will be the guest speaker.

RSVP to [email protected] or call 705-645-5231.

Fowler Construction is located at: 1206 Rosewarne Drive. Bracebridge, (East of Hwy 11, off Taylor Road, just past the land fill site).


7:30 a.m. mingle & coffee: coffee donated by Todd Wilford of Muskoka Lakes Royal Lepage and Oliver’s Coffee; bacon on bun donated by Richard Borland from Freedom 55 Financial.

8 a.m. welcome: Speakers, Michael Duben, CAO for the District Municipality of Muskoka, will introduce Miller, who will speak about the company and how they view the importance of being a good corporate citizen and being involved the community you work in.

Food: 8-9:30 a.m.: Breakfast & Networking

Quarry Tours: 8-9:30 a.m. – Guided tour of Rosewarne Quarry.

Guess the weight of the rock contest to win a $500 gift certificate to Fowler materials and services.

About the Bracebridge and Port Sydney/Utterson & Area Chambers of Commerce:

The Bracebridge and Port Sydney/Utterson & Area Chambers of Commerce are membership-based, politically independent board-driven and not for profit organizations that support businesses of all sectors to convene, collaborate, advocate and create solutions for the regional economic prosperity of Muskoka. They offer exclusive business opportunities, networking events, a united voice for improving business competitiveness across all sectors, and access to innovative insight and relevant solutions. The Bracebridge Port Sydney/Utterson & Area Chambers of Commerce know that vibrant, competitive and economically sustainable business communities are the foundation for a prosperous Muskoka. Visit their website for more information at or