Woman dies trapped in kayak under water in Washago

WASHAGO — A tragic accident left a 59-year-old woman dead after she became trapped under her kayak while putting it in the water.

The woman became trapped in the overturned kayak and was swept away to a nearby dock.

Provincial police say that on Friday May 25, 2018, at about 4:30 p.m. officers from the Orillia detachment of the OPP responded to a report of an overturned kayak on a river in Washago.

Preliminary investigation revealed that the woman from Oshawa was heading out to go kayaking. 

She attempted to put the kayak in the water and the kayak flipped over and swept away to a nearby dock.

The woman was stuck in the kayak beneath the water surface for a period of time. 

The female was brought to shore where CPR was performed.

She was then brought to Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital by County of Simcoe Paramedic Services (CSPS).

An Air ORNGE medivac helicopter was on scene as a precautionary measure.

The female was later pronounced deceased at hospital.

Orillia OPP Marine Unit, Rama Police Service, Rama Emergency Medical Services, CSPS, Orillia Fire Department, Rama Fire, Ramara Fire and Rescue all assisted with this incident.