Kim Mitchell promotes sober driving

MIDLAND — Canadian music fans know Kim Mitchell, the iconic “Patio Lantern” guy.
The rocker is and was a staple of big dance halls across Central Ontario, from the Dard in Wasaga Beach to the Kee to Bala (where he’ll be back playing on July 7).
He’s shorn the hair, has a radio gig now – but still has a message to deliver.
Now, with Police Week and Canada Road Safety Week underway, another unique public safety message has been released through the cooperation of the Canadian rock icon, with the Safe and Sober Awareness Committee, which meets regularly here at Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).
The attached catchy audio PSA message, set to the hit song “Rock and Roll Duty,” reaches out to drivers/operators of cars, boats, motorcycles and ATV’s to Never Drive Impaired.
It’s no “Patio Lantern,” but it is a catchy, mindful tune worth repeating.
The PSA can also be played at the following link
The Safe and Sober Awareness Committee has been making drivers aware of the dangers and consequences of Impaired Driving for over 20 years. It is comprised of members from OPP, Ministry of Transportation, Anishinabek Police Service, Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit and local concerned businesses and professionals.
Committee members urge viewers to share and post this important public safety message from the May long weekend through the summer when so many drivers will be taking to the road.
And carry along the tune in your head always when driving.