Gravenhurst man charged in RIDE stop
BRACEBRIDGE — A Gravenhurst man faces an impaired charge after being pulled over in a RIDE stop.

Provincial police say that on Wednesday May 23 at 10 p.m. officers were conducting a RIDE check on Muskoka Beach Road in Gravenhurst when a vehicle was observed trying to avoid the check point.
Officers stopped the vehicle a short distance away and determined that alcohol was a factor.
As a result of their investigation, police arrested and charged 53-year-old Ronald Meunier of Gravenhurst, with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle CC 253(1)(a) and Over 80 CC 253(1)(b).
The accused received an immediate 90 day driver’s licence suspension and further had his vehicle towed and impounded. He will appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge on June 19, 2018 to answer to his charges.