OH DEER! Road kill – can I keep it?
CENTRAL ONTARIO — The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is asking motorists to be extra cautious on Ontario’s roads at this time of year when more wildlife is on the move.
▪ Deer are particularly active in the spring, especially at dawn and dusk, as they search for food. Deer rarely travel alone, so when motorists see one there are likely more nearby.

▪ Drivers who see these animals along the road should slow down and sound their horns in a series of short bursts. At night, motorists should blink their headlights to warn the animals and give them a chance to move out of the way.
▪ Motorists should take extra care where roads cross creeks or rivers, in wooded corridors, or where field edges run perpendicular to the road. They should also be cautious where fences meet roads and where deer crossing signs are posted.
<!–[if !supportLists]–><!–[endif]–>If you want to keep a dead wild animal (white-tailed deer, moose, elk, black bear, hawk, eagle, owl, furbearing mammal) that has been killed or found on a roadway, you are required to submit a Notice of Possession promptly upon acquiring the dead animal.
(Note: special rules apply to endangered or threatened species).