Miller asks minister for cash for PS mental health clinic
QUEEN’S PARK — Mental health was top of mind for politicians here Tuesday.

Parry Sound-Muskoka MPP Norm Miller called for the government to fund the new after-hours walk-in mental health clinic in Parry Sound.
In a Member’s Statement Miller commended the Parry Sound Muskoka Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association and the team at The Ridge at Manitou for fundraising to open this much needed clinic.
“This clinic is a great addition to Parry Sound, but being open only one evening a week means it can serve a very limited number of residents,” said Miller in a release.
“Clinics like this one should not have to rely upon donations to offer these essential services.”
The clinic, recently opened by the Parry Sound-Muskoka branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association is open one evening per week. Much of the funding for this clinic has been raised by the Ridge Golf Classic.
Without other walk-in mental health clinics in the area, residents of Parry Sound face a long waiting list for mental health services.
Miller called upon new Liberal Health Minister Helena Jaczek to fund the clinic saying: “I hope the new Minister of Health will consider funding this important project so the clinic can be open more than one evening a week.”
Miller made this statement on a day when the Ontario PC caucus motion calling upon the government to match the $1.9 billion federal transfer for mental health services was debated.
He said the PC Party is committed to making this historic investment in mental health services.
Late in the afternoon the Legislature unanimously passed the PC caucus motion.