Miller calls for stable hospital funding
QUEEN’S PARK – Amid his party’s leadership chaos Monday, in which former leader Patrick Brown dropped out of next week’s race, MPP Norm Miller was going to bat for local hospitals in his riding.
But he didn’t say anything about what his PC Party would give to hospitals if elected June 7.

Monday afternoon in the Legislature the Parry Sound-Muskoka, made the following statement in support of increased and stable funding for small and medium-sized hospitals including Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare:
“I rise today to highlight the challenges facing Ontario’s small- and medium-sized hospitals, including those in my riding. Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, which runs the hospitals in Huntsville and Bracebridge has long faced funding challenges. The residents of these communities are passionate defenders of their hospitals, and I support them in their call to maintain the two full-service hospitals.
“MAHC hospitals serve a huge area that runs from Burk’s Falls and Magnetawan south to Severn Bridge and east to Algonquin Park. This area has a permanent population of 58,000, but in the summer that number more than doubles to 140,000. In 2016-17, MAHC dealt with 44,236 emergencies visits, admitted 4,891 patients, performed 8,546 surgeries and scopes and delivered 282 babies. My thanks to the 625 staff, 85 physicians and 320 volunteers who make sure residents of east Parry Sound-Muskoka get these services.
“But they need more funding to continue to provide topnotch medical services, and they need to know that funding is stable.
“Bracebridge Mayor Graydon Smith appeared at the pre-budget consultation in Sudbury to advocate for more and stable funding for small- and medium-sized hospitals.
“The people of Parry Sound-Muskoka and other rural parts of Ontario deserve equal access to health care services.”
To see a video of the question visit